3 Tips for Moving to Brooklyn

1. Get organized.
While the idea of meticulously packing boxes and labeling them may seem like a drag, you will thank yourself on moving day. Haphazard packing often results in items gone missing or broken valuables when your movers don’t realize they’re carrying your grandma’s old china plates. Take the time to pack items room by room, and mark your boxes well.2. Don’t underestimate how much time you need.
We often have customers who book a moving truck only for a few hours, thinking they can get the job done quickly. However, moving usually takes much longer than you think, so we recommend that you go ahead and book the moving truck rental for the entire day. That way, if you do get done earlier than expected, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and won’t incur any late fees.3. Call in the troops.
Don’t try to handle moving all on your own. Ask friends, family members, or co-workers to help you pack up your moving truck and transport your belongings to your new Brooklyn home. The move will be faster and more fun, and don’t forget to thank your moving crew with a few Brooklyn-style pizzas.These few tips can help make your move to Brooklyn much smoother. Sooner than you realize, you will be settled in and enjoying all that NYC has to offer. To book your Brooklyn moving truck today, contact Empire Rent A Car at (718) 649-6600, or fill out our online reservation request form.
photo credit: Brooklyn Bridge via photopin (license)